Remember when I shared one of my trauma stories (read-Don’t Panic!) and I wanted to help you use your trauma to overcome anything? Well, here it is! let’s get to work
Use your trauma to recover (from ANYTHING) Let’s get you some fresh A.I.R.
Find a quiet SAFE space, maybe a friend’s house, or your room, or your favorite outdoor environment; allow yourself to truly and deeply feel your emotions, even if that includes, crying, screaming, sleeping or silence, hold yourself (or allow someone to hold you) through this-it won’t be easy. *If you are unfamiliar or fearful about self-healing please do not do this alone (hire a professional or a friend who will call a medical professional if needed-you’ll need a safe word so your friend can call of needed) you can do this, let’s start this healing process.
You can use paper to write this out and keep you organized, try to remember/release everything you can about those traumatic events, this may take a few hours or a few months to fully release, BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. Go in phases in you need to, a little at a time.
1. Acknowledge
a. It happened, it sucked, it was so hard and so rough, but you know what? You survived! You’re still here! That crap didn’t define you it but it can be used to enrich you and intensify you and your legacy, it can and will make you better every single day, you’re a fighter because you had to get into the ring! You’re a conqueror because you lasted well past the last round! You’re scrappy because you now know your worth!
b. Take a deep breath and acknowledge this pain, it hurts it really hurts, scream, yell holler, yelp, hold yourself (or let someone who TRULY loves you AND is SAFE) as it oozes out (seek professional help/support if needed for this step) Take that power back, it’s no longer your kryptonite! Never. Again.
2. Inventory
a. Engage in how you feel, be aware, write it down, take note, express open and honestly what hurts and why, I know this part may seem obvious and unnecessary but we often focus so much on survival that we do not permit ourselves the opportunity to feel, we all can control our responses but we often cannot control our feelings and we instead lock them away, conceal or ignore them, resulting in emotional breakdowns; imagine a large bath and acknowledge those feelings as they float by and wash over you-now prepare to let it all drain from you. Ask yourself why does it hurt? Express how it makes/made you feel? Do you carry fears now? What are your fears? What makes you feel fearful? Certain environments? Certain people? Certain smells?
b. Be gentle with yourself, this isn’t easy, this will take time and work, and you are completely worth every effort. Maybe you didn’t deserve it, maybe it could’ve happened differently, but do not blame yourself, be kind to yourself, be nurturing, be understanding, be honest and again BE GENTLE.
3. Release and Recover
a. Now see and feel all that has occurred, take a good long farewell look and then realize that this is all behind you, you moved past it, you survive, you conquered, you clung to the fleeting hope that it would end and MIRACULOUSLY it did, and you made it through, scars and all, more splendid and magnificent than before; you carry it because there is still an intravenous connection to it, its engrained itself into your existence, maybe it still has some control but now it’s time to cut the cord; that situation was only an instant in the eternality of wonderment and brilliance that is you. There is far more, greater and best for you and as you work to clear the corners of yourself, there is precious room being made for your ever-increasing greatness both inside and out.
b. ICU (intensive care unit), this is where the most critical care is provided in most hospitals, I want you to see and nourish yourself as you would expect in an ICU but I also want you to know that I SEE YOU, I FEEL YOU, and with all that you've dealt with and lived through, I'm right here with you. I want, desire, hope and pray the absolute best for you in your continued recovery and strength; I expect greatness from you. I KNOW you can and will do it. Now I want YOU TO SEE YOU, I want you to look at yourself and and marvel at who you are and who you are becoming, commit and recommit to yourself, let your love for yourself no longer be unrequited.
My hope and prayer for you is that upon taking time for fresh A.I.R that you all the sweetness and goodness in this life soothe you as a healing Balm to endlessly cultivate your continuous recovery and healing. You. Will. Recover.
You. Are. MAGIC. and don’t you dare let anyone, any situation, any memory nor the enemy within you tell you any different. NOT. EVER. AGAIN.
Be Brilliant.