Are you STILL struggling with digestive issues, embarrassing bloating and gas , inexplicable pain, allergies, weight gain, fatigue, frustrating brain fog? Did you know these are ALL signs of TOXICITY?
Are You FINALLY Ready For THE Solution?
Hi! I’m Tynesia, I live in sunny California. I am an African American, afro-textured, Hip-Hop obsessed, avocado hoarder; I am also an Epidemiologist (by trade), MPH, Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, Certified Holistic Health+Wellness Coach and AADP+ANWCB candidate; I know that a was a WHOLE mouthful so just think of me as your new #brilliantbodybae.…and there was a time when I felt trapped in an unhealthy body and life; it was an unexplained diagnosis of high cholesterol from my own doctor that shook me to explore how I’d created disease in my own brilliant body.
Growing up, I hadn't had “real” issues that required long-term medical intervention, but I was constantly plagued with binge/emotional eating, suffering with negative body image and mindset, negative and depressive thoughts/chronic emotional fatigue, my digestion was an absolute mess (back and forth with extreme constipation and then diarrhea and additional system failure), my skin was an absolute mess, my teeth were suffering, my hair skin and nails we re not thriving , and I found it soooo hard to concentrate on anything let alone remember what I was trying so hard to concentrate on in the first place.
I was beyond frustrated with being told constantly that I was “healthy” and “normal” when I was actually suffering from chronic inflammation fueled by increased toxicity.
The toxic state of my body only carried over to my life as I felt everything was in complete shambles, and I was too exhausted from my failing body to do anything about any of it, I was completely unaware that I could heal myself with food, nutrition and lifestyle changes, I began to seek to heal and no longer treat and silence my symptoms. THIS WAS A GAME CHANGER.
I started with a prayer.....
with that prayer, coupled with my extensive research and knowledge about disease and gene expression "h e l p ", the answer to that prayer led a fast, which led to my first detox; I experienced my first layer of healing in 28 days and I knew I was on to something GOOD. Those 28 days COMPLETELY changed my PATH and my life.
You’ve been struggling for far too long with:
Lifestyle diseases such as:
Prediabetes/Diabetes(Type 2&3)
Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol)
Chronic digestive issues
Embarrassing bloating and gas
Inexplicable pain, allergies and weight gain
Constant fatigue
Frustrating brain fog
AND annoying food sensitivities!
I have a unique (Well)th (health+wellness) perspective because I previously restructured my lifestyle and nutritional regimen to self-heal my body of, brain fog, leaky gut, chronic constipation/toxic colon, hair thinning/loss, cystic acne, autoimmune candida, chronic inflammation, hypercholesterolemia, and accidentally lost 35 lbs. in 28 days, WITHOUT missing a MEAL, NO restrictions and NO CALORIE COUNTING! It was then that I realized……MY BODY IS BRILLIANT...… and you know what?.........SO IS YOURS!!! (30 Second dance party!).
Ready to get started? schedule your FREE (Well)th Session today!
How many times have you talked to your doctor only to be tested and retested and then given a vague diagnosis and a toxic prescription with more side effects than benefits?
How many hours have you spent scouring the internet and Instagram for the next great detox that overpromises and only delivers the sh!ts?
How many health, wellness and nutrition ‘experts’ have you followed and spent money on programs, gimmicks, various torture apparatuses, creams, lotions, potions or PILLS and MORE PILLS!? only to feel more confused and worse than when you began?
I’ll help you identify the root causes of your digestive disrupts and chronic diagnoses through gut testing, customized nutritional therapy protocols and supplemental strategy to reset, rebalance and realign your digestive tract using my signature DNA framework, that includes detoxification protocol, functional nutrition, and sustainable lifestyle upgrades.
You deserve to live a (Well)thy life, it’s your birthright.
Ready to get started? schedule your FREE (Well)th Session today!